martedì 24 novembre 2015
Kate Winslet alla cena di beneficenza per la Golden Hat Foundation
Kate Winslet alla cena di beneficenza per la Golden Hat Foundation, in collaborazione con Longines (per cui poco prima ha inaugurato la nuova boutique in Oxford Street, UK)
martedì 17 novembre 2015
Kate Winslet in Edicola: FilmTv, Vogue, Vogue l'Uomo
Correte in edicola: Kate è in copertina su Film Tv e con due eccezionali servizi fotografici di Peter Lindberg su Vogue Italia e Vogue l'Uomo!
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Interviste e Video Kate Winslet: Lancome, Vogue, Steve Jobs, The Dressmaker
Interview de Kate Winslet au Printemps
A parigi per Printemps
Peter Lindbergh | Vogue Italia | Kate Winslet
Dietro le quinte del servizio per Vogue
Winslet's Daughter Jealous Over Co-star
La figlia di Kate gelosa di Liam, The Dressmaker
Winslet's Newfound Skills
Intervista The Dressmaker
Interviste per Steve Jobs
Spot Lancome di Kate Winslet per la Cina
Spot Lancome di Kate Winslet per la Cina
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Dietro le quinte dello spot Lancome per la Cina:
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Intervista su Magazine Portogallo
Intervista sulla rivista Magazine
Noticias Magazine Portugal - November 8, 2015
Exclusively in Portugal, a conversation with one of the best actresses in the world.
The general public knew it with the voluptuous Rose in Titanic and this was his big jump. English, grew up in Berkshire, and at age 11 was already doing theater in school. The BBC, debuted in a children's science fiction series, Dark Season. Exclusively in Portugal, a conversation with actress normal curves, age 40, refused Photoshop in their advertising campaigns. The return of Steve Jobs, in a cardboard that can come to give him another Oscar.
The Corinthia Hotel in London, pertussis five stars of the English capital, chokes with both luxury. Salvation is brought by the words of Kate Winslet, breaking the ice guaranteeing that has a gift: Always know if talked to this or that journalist. Decorates faces, professional fault, she says. A defect that plays in our favor. Do you remember the face but not the name. I do not trip, however. "But of course we always know if I've ever been to this or that journalist, duhh." Indignation is scheduled. It is beautiful, with black pants that accentuate her normal forms, a luminous face, unvarnished, by the way, with little make-up. For these and others, besides being one of the best actresses in the world, Kate is also one of the most beloved by the public. They are different things: it could be bitchy and a talent of this world. But no, it's a talent of this world and accessible. Those that say it all. So maybe no more than pure rumor that someone hears in the corridor of the organization gave a slap on the wrist to a journalist who asked him how he felt after 40.
The reason for this interview round is a new film, about to reach the rooms. Make no mistake, Kate just gets in because you want to talk about Steve Jobs, the film about the man from Apple. But in her case, to speak of a work is also talk about themselves and their art as an actress. This movie is anything but what Jobs, movie unauthorized by the heirs, which debuted in 2013, with Ashton Kutcher, wanted to be. This new Steve Jobs, directed by Danny Boyle, director of Trainspotting and Slumdog Millionaire and written by Aaron Sorkin (series creator as Newsroom and The West Wing), is not a biography, but rather a kind of theater filmed on Jobs and moments that have defined, very theatrical performances of their creations, Macintosh to iMac.
Winslet is Joanna Hoffman, officially the head of marketing at Apple, and the woman who took care of him and what he was doing - see it force him to admit paternity of her daughter. The film is divided into acts in the theater. In the provocation that many other actresses wanted this role that smells like Oscar, Kate responds with varminty: "Bad luck! I got the role! "A role that allowed him to stay with another idea who Steve Jobs. "By Joanna Hoffman I realized that someone was complicated, but a man with a huge ability to be welcoming. I realized I could be a good friend, someone extremely loyal. Joanna loved it. And barely seen the film wrote to me to say how much he liked. He asked me also to convey to the team that was wonderful to see Michael Fassbender to bring warmth to the character she recognized. It is the first time people will see the warm side of Steve Jobs soul. It is interesting that our film never wanted to be realistic, never wanted to say this was what happened. Aaron Sorkin has said that this is not a photograph of Steve Jobs, and another painting. "
Interpretation of Kate Winslet is already in the list of favorites for the Oscar for best supporting actress. It is an interpretation of charisma, strength and vigor. A strong year for Kate, who is also ready to leave The Milliner (in December), Jocelyn Moorhouse, it is an Australian seamstress with desire for revenge. The film is already guaranteed to Portugal. At one point in the conversation, talks about his passion for acting, as present in this Steve Jobs. "Halt!" She says, "my pleasure to represent never changed." We were in order.
The public knows it from the wonderful friendship without limits, Peter Jackson, 1994. Okay, Kate Winslet is the reference actress of a generation that was marked by Titanic, 1997 transformed, with Leonardo DiCaprio in immortal idol. The James Cameron film earned him his first nomination for an Oscar, and after that, five more times was named, won The Reader, Stephen Daldry, a film that in 2008 gave him the statuette for best actress. Steve Jobs can then reach the second Oscar, this time as a secondary. Win or not, now is Kate's return time, acabadinha to do 40 years, three times mother of children from three different fathers: Mia, Jim Threapleton, Joe, Sam Mendes, and the Bear, Ned Rocknroll .
All this fuss comes after a series of less successful roles, leading many to think that the actress was going through a gentrification phase or something - their benefits in Explicit Comedy - Movie 43 and in the film series The Divergent Series managed anyone notice her eyes with film. Close to 40, it seemed that suddenly ceased to have papers to match. Curiously or not, he spoke up from her curves, as if Hollywood deplored that one of its biggest stars was not as thin as the rules dictate. Somehow, Kate Winslet represented a sexual and sensual affirmation of women who do not suffer from extreme thinness. Since the young plump Titanic, slimmed down enough, aged as much. But remained a sensual diva. And in this sense it has become a symbol.
The experience also brought other advantages. "What's funny to me and this character is that both say what comes to mind. Seriously, if I'm with a man who is frustrated or something, always end by asking whether it is with the period. There is, has to do with my confidence, "she says. He became perfectionist? "Anything. Am is stubborn. And I like to do my best what we throw myself ... It has nothing to do with perfectionism, nothing at all. It has everything to do with the experience and the time you take it. "
And how do the actors play with your confidence? "But of course I play with my vulnerability issues. For example, here, on the first day, when all the actors were on a table to make the reading of the argument, I was panicking. These situations are horrible, embarrassing, all open copies of the scripts and is the first time that we will be judged. It was then the first time I heard my accent of the character. I thought I would hate, that was going to be fired. I think we all feel vulnerable at these times. And, yes, I am also nervous. What I do is try to turn it into an experience. I try everything and it does not matter if sometimes get sucks. An actor in such cases have to shoot head, even at the risk of sounding stupid. It is important sometimes we seem stupid. "
And the fear of failure is also rentabilizável for talent? "To fail or not fail does not bother me. I confess that I never think about it. I think I'm not afraid to fail. What I always give my best. It is different from not wanting to fail. I think until I have no fears. An actor can not work with fear. Also I never think in terms of being the best. The other day my daughter had a note in homework and was upset at not being the best. I told him I could not be. She had an excellent note, but wanted even more. I got to her feet and told him that this kind of competition made no sense. The important thing is to take pleasure from what we do and have the notion that we did our best. Seriously, we can only propose to give our best. This is one of my mottos in life. "
In a recent interview with Esquire magazine, Kate Winslet surprised many people by the way they appeared in photographic production that was a cover story - photos in underwear with fierce sensuality, and a speech that was from the very rear praise to the statement of tough challenge is reconciling work and family demands. Eloquent was the interruption of the interview to discuss the lunch youngest son, Bear, wedding with Ned Rocknroll, nephew of the famous entrepreneur Richard Branson.
What actress was trying to say is that the public wants to be the example that mothers can, after all, have it all: career, children and explore the sensuality without prejudice. For Winslet, nudity and sex scenes were never taboo. Holy Smoke (1999), Jane Campion, is perhaps one of the most liberating erotic experiences with feminist bent that Hollywood has ever seen. Also in Jude (1996), Michael Winterbottom, shocked the more conservative public. Basically, the actress is someone who is not afraid of confrontations. A movie theater, in interviews or in life.
Their interpretation of Joanna Hoffman in the movie that is coming, will be marked by the accent. The character of Polish and Armenian origin, had a denser foreign accent, the decision to soften was the actress. Did you think of the public. Interestingly, Kate, English, has ended up making roles of foreign women. Then, in The Seamstress, it is an Australian yolk. "Gem" means the province and includes thick accent. Also just finished filming Triple 9, John Hillcoat, that will be an off-the-law of Israeli and Russian origin. And that reminds it's so good to make English (Sense and Sensibility, for example) and German (The Reader, the film that gave him the Oscar).
What to expect now? A glorious walk through the awards season? For already proud. The Macintosh own marketing former director gave him congratulations. "Mal took this project, I realized that it would enter the film that all people I know will want to see. Because it's about a figure so strong and full of stories. Someone so well known but causes much curiosity and intrigue ... Then there is also the one legion of taradinhos technology that take it as an idol. For them, Jobs was like a rock god. That's why the Danny Boyle film those product launches as rock concerts. Now even saw the launch of the new iPhone ... people behave as if they were at a concert ... "
The film, however, has faced resistance, Tim Cook, the current CEO of Apple, and Jobs's own widow, Laurene. "It is true that they are not very excited about the film. I confirm that I want to come to Leonardo DiCaprio in the title role instead of our Michael Fassbender. What I know is that Laurene had problems with Walter Isaacson's biography when it was launched, which does not surprise me. Come on, it's natural ... must be very difficult for her, Steve died not so long ago ... I can not defend it or tell her what she should think about the movie, not least because I am part of it. But in fact, this is not "another" film about his life. I'm really convinced that this is an exceptional insight into his life and in which we gain access to the father Steve and Steve man. Moreover, it is portrayed the true genius she was. The film is a celebration of all that, a story that pulls up. Someone like him, who tried to change the world, deserves a good movie. "
He deserves. In fact, several. Let us remember that three years ago we had Jobs, Joshua Michael Stern, the biopic with Ashton Kutcher to make Steve Jobs. And already this year in the US, the documentary was released Steve Jobs - The Man in the Machine, Alex Gibney, the ever controversial documentary - which had already signed films with theme "hot" as Going Clear: Scientology and The Prison of Belief, look investigator on Scientology, and The Armstrong Lie on the cyclist Lance Armstrong. Add to that the "novel" with this argument, initially thought to director David Fincher and starring Christian Bale. The actor who was once Batman gave for not believing be able to get the job done. In another embodiment of this production, even briefly considered up Tom Cruise.
Kate Winslet, who fought hard to stay with the paper, the decision to join this work was not instinct: "I wanted to get into this film because anyone in the world wants to be in a room with Michael Fassbender, Danny Boyle and screenwriter Aaron Sorkin. My God! These three men are incredible. "Purity confusing the actress who has not and never had a laptop. "I do not need, or sending e-mails," says laughing. "Well, I know I get pictures from my iPhone 'grants. "Before I was very happy with the Blackberry, but then my husband told me it would switch to the iPhone because only that would be compatible with the iPad." Behind her, sitting on the floor, he is its publicist not stop laughing . The effects of technology, such a star to feel them, and Kate remembers how just in the hotel corridor, no one looked at her because they were all cellphone wheel. "What Steve Jobs has achieved is remarkable, it changed the way we communicate, but there is also a downside to this. We are all addicts, we must begin to have personal rules for the use of the iPhone. There are people who lack only give a kiss goodnight these devices before preach eye .... Please. My 11 year old son does not use any of this. I fear the generation of children growing to look at adults who are always looking at the phone. Yes, my 15 year old daughter already has a mobile phone, but we, the parents, have to explain to them the pros and cons of these things and not give them access to social networks or to Safari. We have to tell them the truth. "
And Kate is there, talking to security and claw and without stalls, and noticed though is increasingly comfortable in your skin. True, it has only 40 years. But that in Hollywood can be very, pray as the latest media controversy about it. And she, who just signed a contract with Estee Lauder prohibiting the brand to make Photoshop to modify your images or reduce their wrinkles, speaks without the passage of time problems: "It is great to be getting older. We can marimbar us for certain things. I'm like I am because I had a solid family education. I taught always to have our feet on the ground. Of course I had some success in career and this allowed me to gain more confidence. Anyone who has stepped so many red carpets like me and do not feel good about it is better to give himself! Be a red carpet can be a terrifying experience! "
Words of one who already has 23-year career, which began at 17 and never the true bottom millstone (the previous films were not pitiful, just lacking the usual multitude of his choices), despite roles in films that have gone next door. As the side that does not tarnished its image of perfect actress. Who caught it in Romance and Cigarettes [2005], John Turturro and his Road to Power [2006], Steve Zaillian, realizes that she may be the least guilty of these flops. It is the advantage of appearing in films that no one sees - one is less exposed.
Kate is at bottom a showoman. It is just a normal conversation to be transfigured in Joanna Hoffman, but with the real and heavily accented Polish. This a banal interview in a nondescript hotel. Just like that, a few inches away, a representative sample exclusively of one of the greatest actresses in the world. She live show which declined to the big screen. And it has huge joke. The champion of the actresses of her generation. "The trick is to convince everyone else that we are different. It's like a game. Acting is the oldest trick. When we convince an audience that what there is not we ... magic happens. In Steve Jobs did not want to get too different from myself, just wanted to be Joanna Hoffman. "Kate has never been happier. The Homecoming few years after the divorce with director Sam Mendes, contributed to this. And a happy woman is best actress.
Intervista Daily Mail: Kate Winslet, nessuna dieta
Kate parla dei figli (la superorganizzata Mia, il dolcissimo Joe, l'entusiasta Bear), di dieta e di Steve Jobs.
Curvy, blonde and English to the core, Kate Winslet couldn't be further removed from the character she plays in her new film.


Kate parla dei figli (la superorganizzata Mia, il dolcissimo Joe, l'entusiasta Bear), di dieta e di Steve Jobs.
Winslet's secret to healthy living? She can't resist a slice of cake and a glass of rosé
- Kate Winslet plays Joanna Hoffman, right-hand woman to late Steve Jobs
- She forged a close relationship with the real Joanna while researching
- Relationship between Jobs and his 'work wife' was purely platonic
Curvy, blonde and English to the core, Kate Winslet couldn't be further removed from the character she plays in her new film.
Joanna Hoffman, right-hand woman to the late Steve Jobs, the mastermind behind Apple Inc whose story is told in the Oscar-tipped movie of the same name, is a tiny, raven-haired, Polish-Armenian American - but Kate was determined to land the role.
'They didn't even send me a script - I had to throw my hat into the ring because I really wanted to be part of it,' she says.

Kate Winslet plays Joanna Hoffman, right-hand woman to the late Steve Jobs in her new film
'I look nothing like Joanna so I decided to take a photo of myself wearing a short dark wig that my husband had kindly gone out and bought for me that day. I took a selfie and emailed it to Scott Rudin, the producer, with no subject in the subject box. It seems to have done the trick because the next day I was sent a script.'
Kate forged a close relationship with the real Joanna while researching the role. 'When we first met she hadn't even read the script, so her first words to me were, "So... how much of me is there in this movie?" I had to say, "I hate to break it to you, but you're quite strongly featured." But we worked around it and had a very good time together. She's funny, warm and unique. Steve Jobs loved her - it's impossible not to.'
The relationship between Jobs, played in the movie by Michael Fassbender, and the woman known as his 'work wife' was a close one. However, Kate is adamant the friendship between them remained purely platonic.
'They understood each other, they were kindred spirits in many ways and she was very good friends with him and his family until he passed away [Jobs died of cancer in 2011] - but she also has very strong morals and he was married. Besides, she's married too [to technology whizz kid Alain Rossmann] and very happily so.'
Kate's pretty happily married herself these days. She met Ned Rocknroll - who was born Ned Abel Smith, but changed his name by deed poll - in 2011 when she was on holiday on the Caribbean island resort of Necker, owned by Ned's uncle Richard Branson.

Actress Kate Winslet and her husband Ned RocknRoll out and about, New York last month
The holiday was interrupted when there was a fire at the house where Kate was staying, but sparks of a different sort were flying with Ned and they married in New York a year later. 'I have a wonderful man in my life,' she said earlier this year, 'who's so incredibly supportive. He's everything to me. I'm very happy and things are wonderful.'
That same year she and her family moved back to Britain from New York, and now live in an eight-bedroom, 17th-century, Grade II-listed house in West Sussex that backs on to the sea. 'Living out of London and near the water, with lots of fresh clean air, definitely makes a difference in terms of quality of life,' she says.
'I try to stay healthy but I'm a great believer of everything in moderation, with no faddy foods or strange elimination diets because how boring is that? I'd rather be outside kicking a ball around with my son. Besides, I'm the sort of person who, whenever I say, "Right! I'm not going to eat sugar or drink alcohol for a month," will immediately go and have a glass of rosé and a slice of cake.
'I do drink a lot of water but I think that's because I feel I should as I spend so much time on planes, which can dehydrate you. I think it's quite boring - but I do it. Beauty routine? Nothing much. I do try to have the odd facial - I had one yesterday, actually, but it was the first for about eight months, so I'm afraid I'm not very good when it comes to those kinds of things.'
Kate, a star since Titanic hit the big screen back in 1997, has always made it plain her children come first. She's previously revealed that when she gets stressed her 11-year-old son Joe will offer to relax her by rubbing her feet, but Joe's counsel, she tells me today, is more than skin-deep. 'I honestly think he's my moral compass. I know he's only young, but he's this very steady, gentle, wise soul, and if something's bothering me he'll say, "Mum, it's fine, calm down. None of this matters. Have a cup of tea." If I truly want advice, he'll say, "Well, let's talk it through. Tell me what the options are." And when I've explained it, he'll give me the pros and cons of both sides. He's a great leveller.'
As well as Joe, from her seven-year marriage to director Sam Mendes, there's also 15-year-old Mia, daughter from her first marriage to cameraman and director Jim Threapleton, and little Bear Blaze, almost two, son from her current marriage. 'Mia's amazing,' she says. 'She's great at forward thinking, she's very organised and aware of everything around her. Actually, she'd be my dream assistant - not that I'd ask her! - but that's how efficient she is. And Bear? Well, his father Ned is the most enthusiastic person I've ever met in my life, and Bear comes under that bubble too. I watched him run from one side of the room to the other this morning, laughing to himself, he was having a really happy time all by himself. We have the best times together. My kids are what keep me stable and happy.'
Eyebrows have been raised by the fact that, at just 40, Kate's already been married three times. She makes it plain today she's not about to discuss her previous two divorces. 'No one really knows what has happened in my life,' she said recently. 'No one knows why my first marriage didn't last; no one knows why my second didn't. And I'm proud of those silences.'
She says she tries hard to keep her family life as free from modern technology as possible. 'We don't really do computers in our house,' she says. 'I think you have to be careful with that stuff with children because they can become addicted, like we all can, and I want my kids to be kids, not computer addicts. My daughter has an iPhone, but she's only had it for a year, and my son doesn't even have one. It's a hard fight sometimes when they say, "But so-and-so has one, why can't I have one?" I just say, "If you want something to do, go and climb that tree instead."'
kate winslet,
steve jobs
mercoledì 11 novembre 2015
Secondo trailer per Triple Nine, con Kate Winslet!!
Ecco il secondo trailer di Triple Nine, finalmente sentiamo Kate Winslet con l'accento russo!
Il film in Italia dovrebbe uscire il 7 Aprile.
Il film in Italia dovrebbe uscire il 7 Aprile.
codice 999,
codice 999 uscita italiana,
kate winslet codice 999,
kate winslet triple nine,
trailer triple nine,
triple nine uscita italiana
Alle 14.25 Kate Winslet su Twitter! Live tweeting
Live Tweeting con Kate Winslet:
- Il film che non ti stanchi mai di vedere?
Sognando Broadway
- Scena preferita di The Dressmaker?
Quando Tilly fa il bagno a Molly. Frase preferita: "Sono tornata, bastardi".
- Hai fatto il regalo di compleanno a Di Caprio?
Si. Ma non vi dico cosa
- Se non avessi fatto l'attrice?
Probabilmente sarei stata una maestra o una make up artist
- Se potessi essere in qualsiasi posto in questo momento?
Vorrei essere a casa: la amo.
- Film di cui sei più orgogliosa?
The Reader.
- Cosa migliore dell'essere attrice e cosa peggiore dell'essere attrice?
Cosa migliore: essere messa alla prova tutti i giorni. Cosa peggiore: essere messa alla prova tutti i giorni
- Chi ti ispira?
I miei figli
- Film Disney-Pixar preferito?
Toy Story, il primo.
- Puoi invitare 3 amici ad un party, chi inviti?
Mio marito, il suo amico Rory che è un fantastico cuoco e mia sorella Anna
- La chiave per un bel Natale?
Il più possibile. E la neve.
- Frase preferita di Titanic?
"L'acqua è gelata e non ci sono abbastanza scialuppe."
- Canzone preferita da Karaoke, Celin Dion?
No non è Celine Dion. Una perfetta è Locomotion nella versione di Kylie.
- Perché non hai alcun profilo social?
Perché non ne ho bisogno
- Con chi ti piacerebbe lavorare?
Mi piacerebbe molto lavorare con Meryl Streep e Robert Duvall
- Ti vedremo a teatro?
Non nell'immediato ma spero in un futuro prossimo
- Qual è il tuo proposito per il nuovo anno?
Prendermi una pausa
- Un consiglio per chi vuole diventare attore?
Se ci credi veramente lo diventerai. Devi credere davvero in te stessa. La fiducia è la chiave.
- Un consiglio per chi non sa farsi valere"
Ti riferisci a te stessa?
- Un consiglio per una futura mamma?
Se sei calma, tuo figlio sarò calmo. Dormi quando tuo figlio dorme.
- Non sei stanca di sentire ancora parlare di Titanic?
Fa parte della mia vita quotidiana, quindi va bene.
- Il consiglio che dai a chi vuole diventare famoso?
Per cosa vuoi diventare famoso e perché?
- Il miglior consiglio avuto da Emma Thompson?
E' molto importante quando sei un'attrice ben conosciuta, non lavorare, ogni tanto.
- Frase preferita da Titanic?
"Non ne ricordo una!"
- Il film che non ti stanchi mai di vedere?
Sognando Broadway
- Scena preferita di The Dressmaker?
Quando Tilly fa il bagno a Molly. Frase preferita: "Sono tornata, bastardi".
- Hai fatto il regalo di compleanno a Di Caprio?
Si. Ma non vi dico cosa
- Se non avessi fatto l'attrice?
Probabilmente sarei stata una maestra o una make up artist
- Se potessi essere in qualsiasi posto in questo momento?
Vorrei essere a casa: la amo.
- Film di cui sei più orgogliosa?
The Reader.
- Cosa migliore dell'essere attrice e cosa peggiore dell'essere attrice?
Cosa migliore: essere messa alla prova tutti i giorni. Cosa peggiore: essere messa alla prova tutti i giorni
- Chi ti ispira?
I miei figli
- Film Disney-Pixar preferito?
Toy Story, il primo.
- Puoi invitare 3 amici ad un party, chi inviti?
Mio marito, il suo amico Rory che è un fantastico cuoco e mia sorella Anna
- La chiave per un bel Natale?
Il più possibile. E la neve.
- Frase preferita di Titanic?
"L'acqua è gelata e non ci sono abbastanza scialuppe."
- Canzone preferita da Karaoke, Celin Dion?
No non è Celine Dion. Una perfetta è Locomotion nella versione di Kylie.
- Perché non hai alcun profilo social?
Perché non ne ho bisogno
- Con chi ti piacerebbe lavorare?
Mi piacerebbe molto lavorare con Meryl Streep e Robert Duvall
- Ti vedremo a teatro?
Non nell'immediato ma spero in un futuro prossimo
- Qual è il tuo proposito per il nuovo anno?
Prendermi una pausa
- Un consiglio per chi vuole diventare attore?
Se ci credi veramente lo diventerai. Devi credere davvero in te stessa. La fiducia è la chiave.
- Un consiglio per chi non sa farsi valere"
Ti riferisci a te stessa?
- Un consiglio per una futura mamma?
Se sei calma, tuo figlio sarò calmo. Dormi quando tuo figlio dorme.
- Non sei stanca di sentire ancora parlare di Titanic?
Fa parte della mia vita quotidiana, quindi va bene.
- Il consiglio che dai a chi vuole diventare famoso?
Per cosa vuoi diventare famoso e perché?
- Il miglior consiglio avuto da Emma Thompson?
E' molto importante quando sei un'attrice ben conosciuta, non lavorare, ogni tanto.
- Frase preferita da Titanic?
"Non ne ricordo una!"
Votate Kate Winslet ai People Choice Awards!
Cliccate qui per votare Kate Winslet come Miglior Attrice Drammatica ai People Choice Awards:!/home/all/22/1
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Kate Wislet mascolina per L'Uomo Vogue
Kate Winslet by Peter Lindbergh
An acting fantasy. Kate Winslet sulla cover del numero di novembre 2015 de L'Uomo Vogue
Gli abitanti di Le Touquet sono in fibrillazione: qualcuno ha avvistato Kate Winslet sulla spiaggia, sul set di uno shooting di moda. Pare sia arrivata in elicottero, per la gioia dei quotidiani locali che l’hanno subito strillato in prima pagina. "È vero, è un volo di 45 minuti da dove abito", conferma l’attrice inglese, oggi residente in una favolosa dimora sulle coste del Sussex. "La cosa divertente è che ho tentato di convincere Peter (Lindbergh, ndr) che la spiaggia davanti a casa mia era esattamente come quella della location in Normandia, ma non mi ha dato retta. Poi gli ho fatto vedere alcune foto e lui si è stupito: “Ma sono identiche?!”. Certo che lo sono, ho risposto, l’ho ripetuto dieci volte! È scoppiato a ridere e mi ha promesso che presto verrà a trovarmi per verificare di persona".
Kate conosce bene Lindbergh, e ama lavorare con lui. "Il nostro primo shooting risale a oltre 10 anni fa. Ma è sempre una sorpresa ritrovare la sua energia, il suo amore per il soggetto, la sua passione. Certo, ti fa sentire bella, ma credo che il suo vero genio sia la capacità di catturare la verità di una persona, senza artifici. Mi fido di lui istintivamente, perché so che non vuole trasformarmi in ciò che non sono". Nel servizio di queste pagine, potremmo dire che invece di trasformarla le ha permesso di realizzare in parte una sua fantasia di attrice: quella di interpretare un uomo. "Il merito va tutto a lui, è un’idea sua, che ho accettato con entusiasmo. Spesso i giornalisti mi chiedono quale ruolo sogno di interpretare, e io rispondo sistematicamente “quello di un uomo”. Per un’attrice è il challenge supremo, no? Mi sono davvero divertita a travestirmi, e a trovare in me un lato più mascolino, anche se qui stiamo parlando di un servizio con Peter, quindi maschile ma sexy: lui vuole sempre mostrare qualche centimetro di pelle in più...", le scappa una risata contagiosa.
An acting fantasy. Kate Winslet sulla cover del numero di novembre 2015 de L'Uomo Vogue
Gli abitanti di Le Touquet sono in fibrillazione: qualcuno ha avvistato Kate Winslet sulla spiaggia, sul set di uno shooting di moda. Pare sia arrivata in elicottero, per la gioia dei quotidiani locali che l’hanno subito strillato in prima pagina. "È vero, è un volo di 45 minuti da dove abito", conferma l’attrice inglese, oggi residente in una favolosa dimora sulle coste del Sussex. "La cosa divertente è che ho tentato di convincere Peter (Lindbergh, ndr) che la spiaggia davanti a casa mia era esattamente come quella della location in Normandia, ma non mi ha dato retta. Poi gli ho fatto vedere alcune foto e lui si è stupito: “Ma sono identiche?!”. Certo che lo sono, ho risposto, l’ho ripetuto dieci volte! È scoppiato a ridere e mi ha promesso che presto verrà a trovarmi per verificare di persona".
Kate conosce bene Lindbergh, e ama lavorare con lui. "Il nostro primo shooting risale a oltre 10 anni fa. Ma è sempre una sorpresa ritrovare la sua energia, il suo amore per il soggetto, la sua passione. Certo, ti fa sentire bella, ma credo che il suo vero genio sia la capacità di catturare la verità di una persona, senza artifici. Mi fido di lui istintivamente, perché so che non vuole trasformarmi in ciò che non sono". Nel servizio di queste pagine, potremmo dire che invece di trasformarla le ha permesso di realizzare in parte una sua fantasia di attrice: quella di interpretare un uomo. "Il merito va tutto a lui, è un’idea sua, che ho accettato con entusiasmo. Spesso i giornalisti mi chiedono quale ruolo sogno di interpretare, e io rispondo sistematicamente “quello di un uomo”. Per un’attrice è il challenge supremo, no? Mi sono davvero divertita a travestirmi, e a trovare in me un lato più mascolino, anche se qui stiamo parlando di un servizio con Peter, quindi maschile ma sexy: lui vuole sempre mostrare qualche centimetro di pelle in più...", le scappa una risata contagiosa.
The Dressmaker al Tff e dal 28 aprile nei cinema!!
'The Dressmaker', al Torino Film Festival (21 novembre) e al cinema dal 28 aprile 2016 distribuito da Eagle Pictures
The Dressmaker' sarà proiettato in anteprima nazionale durante il 33esimo Torino Film Festival, all’interno della sezione Festa mobile fuori concorso, sabato 21 novembre. Il film, presentato al Toronto Film Festival, vede protagonista il Premio Oscar Kate Winslet e sarà distribuito nelle sale italiane nel 2016, il prossimo 28 aprile, con Eagle Pictures.
Tratto dall’omonimo romanzo best-seller di Rosalie Ham, 'The Dressmaker' è ambientato interamente in Australia, nello stato di Victoria, nel 1950, ed è diretto dalla regista australiana Jocelyn Moorhouse. Il film è appena uscito in Australia con un successo di pubblico e critica senza precedenti e un incasso da record. Una pellicola tutta al femminile, dall’autrice del romanzo, alla regista, alla protagonista Premio Oscar che interpreta l’affascinante personaggio di Tilly, una giovane e bella donna che, dopo aver trascorso molti anni in Europa, torna nella sua piccola città natale.
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